
Explainer: Understanding Ethereums major ‘proof of stake’ upgrade

Proof-of-stake Ethereum can pay for its security by issuing far fewer coins than proof-of-work Ethereum because validators do not have to pay high electricity costs. As a result, ETH can reduce its inflation or even become deflationary when large amounts of ETH are burned. Lower inflation levels mean Ethereum’s security is cheaper than it was under proof-of-work.

Ethereum Proof of Stake Model What Is And How It Works

Instead, it will vary depending on the number of participating validators at any given time. When fewer validators exist, the protocol increases rewards to incentivize more stakers to join. It is important to note that the merge will not allow current validators to withdraw their staked ETH.

Namely, it’s not certain if proof-of-stake will be as secure against threats like 51% attacks, and it remains to be seen if PoS will wind up being decentralized or not. On the other side of the coin, startups built around miners, who have been cut out of Ethereum’s process, will likely need to pivot or refocus on Bitcoin and other proof-of-work networks. Some die-hard Ethereum 1 proponents plan to stick with proof-of-work Ethereum. One popular miner has said he’ll “hard fork” the network, splitting off the code to preserve a separate chain (as some did in 2016 to preserve a previous incarnation of Ethereum). That move isn’t likely to have a large impact on the ecosystem unless the big platforms recognize it; OpenSea, the largest marketplace for NFTs, has claimed it will only support proof-of-stake Ethereum.

A single Ethereum transaction can consume as much power as an average US household uses in more than a week. Validators who hold large amounts of a blockchain’s token or cryptocurrency may have an outsized amount of influence on a proof of stake system. Crypto exchanges like Coinbase, Binance and Kraken offer staking as a feature on their platforms. Depending on the blockchain, crypto owners can earn yields of 5% to even 14% on their holdings by staking.

Cost to attack

Several other chains use proof of stake—Algorand, Cardano, Tezos—but these are tiny projects compared with Ethereum. So new vulnerabilities could surface once the new system is in wide release. Ethereum’s proof-of-stake system is already being tested on the Beacon Chain, launched on December 1, 2020.

Ethereum Proof of Stake Model What Is And How It Works

If Alice wants to give a dollar to Bob, the central manager just takes a dollar from Alice’s account and gives it to Bob. Proof-of-stake is designed to reduce network congestion and address environmental sustainability concerns surrounding Ethereum Proof of Stake Mode the proof-of-work (PoW) protocol. Proof-of-work is a competitive approach to verifying transactions, which naturally encourages people to look for ways to gain an advantage, especially since monetary value is involved.

About Ethereum

Any miner who solves the problem first, updates the ledger by appending a new block to the chain, and gets newly minted coins in return. This requires an enormous amount of computing power and, thus, electricity. Certain implementations of proof of stake could leave blockchains more vulnerable to different kinds of attacks than proof of work, such as low-cost bribe attacks. Susceptibility to attacks decreases the overall security of the blockchain. Under proof-of-work miners compete for the right to mine a block. Miners are more successful when they can perform calculations faster, incentivizing investment in hardware and energy consumption.

  • This is why Ethereum resists changes that increase the hardware requirements for running a node/validator.
  • This node is responsible for building the new block of transactions and broadcasting it to the other nodes to be verified.
  • Many of these options include what is known as ‘liquid staking’ which involves an ERC-20 liquidity token that represents your staked ETH.
  • Validators who do this become eligible to be randomly selected to find the next block.
  • This method of staking requires a certain level of trust in the provider.

Each validator node has the same copy of the blockchain’s history. Using this common history, they assess whether new blocks of transactions are valid. Then vote on this point as a group before adding them to the main chain. The committee has a time-frame in which to propose and validate a shard block. After each epoch, the committee is disbanded and reformed with different, random participants.

Knowledge is Power.

The Ethereum Foundation, a prominent non-profit organisation that says it supports Ethereum, says the upgrade will pave the way for further blockchain updates that will facilitate cheaper transactions. Stakers will also earn rewards in the form of fees and MEV when proposing blocks, which are made available immediately via the set fee recipient address. The trade-off here is that centralized providers consolidate large pools of ETH to run large numbers of validators. This can be dangerous for the network and its users as it creates a large centralized target and point of failure, making the network more vulnerable to attack or bugs. These options usually walk you through creating a set of validator credentials, uploading your signing keys to them, and depositing your 32 ETH. Stakers don’t need to do energy-intensive proof-of-work computations to participate in securing the network meaning staking nodes can run on relatively modest hardware using very little energy.

Ethereum Proof of Stake Model What Is And How It Works

The threat of a 51% attack(opens in a new tab) still exists on proof-of-stake as it does on proof-of-work, but it’s even riskier for the attackers. They could then use their own attestations to ensure their preferred fork was the one with the most accumulated attestations. The ‘weight’ of accumulated attestations is what consensus clients use to determine the correct chain, so this attacker would be able to make their fork the canonical one. However, a strength of proof-of-stake over proof-of-work is that the community has flexibility in mounting a counter-attack.

This is why Ethereum resists changes that increase the hardware requirements for running a node/validator. Ethereum researchers consider proof-of-stake more secure than proof-of-work. However, it has only recently been implemented for the real Ethereum Mainnet and is less time-proven than proof-of-work. The following sections discuss the pros and cons of proof-of-stake’s security model compared to proof-of-work. When a validator is down, they cannot participate in the consensus process. Since this is detrimental to the overall functioning of the network, it is penalized by the network via slashing.

If an attacker wants to revert a finalized block, they would therefore have to be willing to lose at least one-third of all the ETH that’s been staked. In distributed networks, a transaction has « finality » when it’s part of a block that can’t change. Once a new shard block proposal has enough attestations, a « crosslink » is created which confirms the inclusion of the block, and your transaction, in the beacon chain.

With PoS, validators are the network participants who run nodes. They do this by staking crypto on the network, which involves locking up a certain amount of coins for a set period of time, making them unusable. Validators who do this become eligible to be randomly selected to find the next block. Long touted as a threat to cryptocurrency fans, the 51% attack is a concern when PoS is used, but there is doubt it will occur. Under PoW, a 51% attack is when an entity controls more than 50% of the miners in a network and uses that majority to alter the blockchain.

Earn rewards while securing Ethereum

Instead of the attacker requiring 51% of the network’s hash power, the attacker requires 51% of the total staked ETH. An attacker that accumulates 51% of the total stake gets to control the fork-choice algorithm. This enables the attacker to censor certain transactions, do short-range reorgs and extract MEV by reordering blocks in their favor. It was not the first proof-of-stake mechanism to be designed and implemented, but it is the most robust. Finality is the condition that for a block to be considered a permanent part of the canonical chain it must have been voted for by at least 66% of the total staked ETH on the network.

With Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanisms, a new block can only be added if the block hash is calculated via an incredibly complex equation. It can take trillions of guesses before that value is randomly discovered by a miner. Only the miner who achieves this first will confirm the block and be rewarded. In this system, energy is the resource the network uses to secure itself. The huge amount of energy required to overcome the blockchain’s consensus mechanism is a key deterrent for bad actors.

Why can I only stake ETH?

Later on, a technique called “rollups” will speed transactions by executing them off chain and sending the data back to the main Ethereum network. These countries need the power to keep their businesses running and their homes warm. “Proof of stake is not as extensively vetted as proof of work, which has secured billion-dollar blockchains for over a decade now,” said Sechet. The best option for Ethereum is for validators to be run locally on home computers, maximizing decentralization.